Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Hands-On Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Jeroen Herczeg

This book has interactive examples that teach software developers how to implement Retrieval-Augmented Generation applications that are production-ready, effective, and safe.

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What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)?

A Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system combines information retrieval with Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve the quality and relevance of generated text. This allows LLMs to access up-to-date or private information and provide factual answers with verifiable sources.

Designed to teach you practical, hands-on methods for implementing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

When you first learn about RAG, it might come across as a simple system meant to improve the accuracy of a Large Language Model. But once you start implementing it, you realize that it's quite complicated and requires a good grasp of retrieval and generation techniques.

In this book, we will start by examining how large language models work, as well as their limitations and challenges. Next, we'll take a close look at the RAG architecture and how it can improve the performance of a language model. Finally, we'll discuss the most frequent difficulties encountered when developing a RAG application.

Throughout the book, you will learn through live interactive examples that will help solidify your understanding. By the end, you will have the confidence to deploy powerful RAG applications that solve real-world problems.

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01 Table of contents

Get a look at all of the content covered in the book. Everything you need to know is inside.

“Hands-On Retrieval-Augmented Generation” is comprised of 240 tightly edited pages designed to teach you everything you need to know about Retrieval-Augmented Generation with no unnecessary filler.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation

  1. 1 Introduction

    What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation?

  2. 2 Understanding the Challenges of Large Language Models

    Hallucinations and Knowledge Gaps
    Knowledge Cutoff
    Limited Contextual Understanding

  3. 4 Use cases

    Question-Answering System
    Conversational Agent
    Real-time Event Commentary
    Content Generation

  4. 6 Building a Naive RAG System

    Create an OpenAI Account
    Create an Assistant
    Adding the Data

  5. 9 Limitations of RAG

    Potential Drawbacks

Large Language Models

  1. coming soon Foundation

    Model Architecture
    Weights and Biases

  2. coming soon Context Window

    Sliding Window
    Attention Mechanism

  3. coming soon Prompt Engineering

    Anatomy of a Prompt
    Zero-shot Prompting
    Few-shot Prompting
    Chain-of-Thought Prompting

  4. coming soon Fine-Tuning

    Transfer Learning
    Domain-Specific Fine-Tuning

Data Ingestion

  1. coming soon Data Sources

    Document Formats
    SERP and REST APIs
    Web Scraping
    PDFs, Images, and Multimedia

  2. coming soon Data Preprocessing

    Text Splitting
    Converting Unstructured to Structured Data
    Dealing with Noisy Data

Vector Search

  1. coming soon Introduction

    Keyword Search vs Semantic Search

  2. coming soon Understanding Vectors

    Definition of a Vector
    Norms, Distances, and Similarities
    Vector Operations

  3. coming soon Creating Embeddings

    What are Embeddings?
    Types of Embeddings
    Training Embeddings
    Pre-trained Embeddings

  4. coming soon Measuring Similarity

    Cosine Similarity
    Euclidean Distance
    Dot product

  5. coming soon Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) Search

    Introduction to ANN Search
    ANN Algorithms
    Trade-offs in ANN Search

  6. coming soon Vector Databases

    Introduction to Vector Databases
    Vector Search Engines
    Vector Indexing and Querying

Building a RAG Pipeline

  1. coming soon LlamaIndex


  2. coming soon LangChain


  3. coming soon Haystack


Advanced Techniques

  1. coming soon Re-ranking

    Re-ranking Strategies

  2. coming soon Hybrid Search

    Hybrid Search Strategies

  3. coming soon Multi-Modal Search

    Multi-Modal Search Strategies

  4. coming soon Advanced Embedding Techniques

    Contextual Embeddings
    Dynamic Embeddings


  1. coming soon Model Serving

    Hosted Services
    On-premises Deployment
    Model Versioning

  2. coming soon Continuous Integration and Deployment

    CI/CD Pipelines

  3. coming soon Scalability and Performance

    Horizontal and Vertical Scaling
    Performance Tuning


  1. coming soon Operational

    Cost Analysis

  2. coming soon Security

    Data Privacy
    Model Security

02 Interactive examples

Accelerating your understanding.

Explore interactive examples deployed on HuggingFace Spaces to accelerate your understanding as you progress through the book.

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“We are currently living in a remarkable time. Artificial intelligence is advancing at an unprecedented rate. With access to the most advanced AI models, we are now able to develop software features that were previously difficult or even impossible to create. The future of AI is not just about algorithms and data. It's about the people who harness these models to solve real-world problems.

04 Author
Jeroen Herczeg

Jeroen Herczeg

Hey there, I’m the author.

I have worked in software engineering for over two decades, specializing in building and maintaining efficient, reliable, and scalable systems. In 2015, I discovered my passion for artificial intelligence and have been learning more about this field and how to apply it in a practical way. As a speaker at various meetups, I have always been passionate about learning and sharing my knowledge with others.